
Friday, May 31, 2013


This couldn't be a more happy time in my or my husband's lives as we prepare for the birth of our FIRST baby! We are currently 5 weeks and 4 days along, and are anxiously awaiting the first ultrasound. I will be sure to post my pregnancy journey with you all, giving you tips on how to stay fit and healthy during your whole entire pregnancy through diet and exercise!

My Pregnancy Story
My husband and I had been trying for two months. Last month, my period was TWO weeks late. I took about 6 pregnancy tests that turned a very faint positive after waiting several minutes. We got very excited and went straight to our base's hospital to acquire a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. The blood test came back as "equivocal" meaning neither negative or positive-it was too soon to tell and I had to repeat in 48 hours. I went back to the hospital for a repeat blood test two days later which ultimately resulted in a negative response which we believed was a super early miscarriage. 
We tried again for the next month (last month). My period was late and I didnt think anything of it. Two weeks later, I was at Walmart and I grabbed their 88 cent pregnancy test for fun. I figured, my period is late, why not? It turned bright pink positive right before my eyes. I jumped for joy, called my husband, and drove straight to the hospital for a blood test. My husband and I anxiously awaited the results, and 30 minutes after the blood draw came our answer:
Our friends who worked in the clinic were happy to announce POSITIVE. I cried on the spot! I cried the whole way walking back to my husband's office (he works in the hospital and couldn't leave to come get the results with me at  the time) When he saw me carrying the yellow OB folder, he knew:)

I will be tracking and taking pictures to keep up with everything so I will be tracking my progression much like this:

Im a first time mother so I am very nervous but excited!!! 

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