
Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Do's & Don'ts of Being a Good Mom

The other day, I sat with my son, rocking him in his rocking chair. Earlier that day, I had seen a segment on a news broadcast of a mother who was jailed for abusing her son-to death. 

My mind just couldn't fathom why would anyone do such a thing or how could things go that far? It literally broke my heart.

Motherhood can be difficult, but no child deserves to be hit, beaten, slapped, or told that they are worthless or hated.

My difficult childhood has taught me exactly what not to do, but sometimes, I still feel imperfection in my parenting. I guess its because, well, I am human and, as humans, we are never perfect and we tend to beat ourselves up. 

However, I have learned so much in my journey as a first time mom to a precious little boy. He has been my blessing and the fact that I get to be HIS mommy is the most exciting task of my entire lifetime.

Here are the do's and don't of being a good mom-to me-that I live my personal life by:

A good mom does not...
  1. A good mom does not talk bad about her kids. Ever.
  2. A good mom does not put her work before her children.
  3. A good mom does not always have to have the chores done around the house.
  4. A good mom does not always have the answers to all of life's questions.
  5. A good mom does not belittle her children, criticize, or judge them.
  6. A good mom does not give up on her children nor puts conditions on her love for them.
  7. A good mom does not have to shower her children with money to show that she cares for them.
  8. A good mom does not have to have a perfect wardrobe, the newest hairstyle, a fancy car, or a fresh manicure.
  9. A good mom does not need validation from anyone.
  10. A good mom does not have to be perfect.

A good mom does...
  1. A good mom does always gives her best-even when she feels like giving up.
  2. A good mom does give unlimited hugs and kisses and loves unconditionally.
  3. A good mom does always listen and uplifts to her children.
  4. A good mom does hang onto each and every moment as if it were the last.
  5. A good mom does raise a child to become strong, compassionate, and independent. 
  6. A good mom does love her husband before her children as if it were not for him, the children would not exist.
  7. A good mom does cherish her life and counts her blessings.
  8. A good mom does balance time between her husband, kids, and herself-even if it is nearly impossible to do.
  9. A good mom does provide all the bare necessities. 
  10. A good mom does make sure that her children know that they are wanted, loved, and adored.

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