
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WE ARE HAVING A.........

Just click play. If that does not work, here's the link:

Today, marks my 16th week of pregnancy-AND the day that my husband and I found out the gender of our baby! Click to watch the video above to see what our baby is!




When you are done watching the above video....

This video below was our DVD that we got from our visit! It shows our WHOLE visit and what we got to see on the screen! It shows our baby's different parts and it was just beautiful. Its 26 minutes long so if you have the time, please take a moment to watch it and see our beautiful baby move!

***Also, it stays on the beginning still shot for about a couple minutes, then the video starts. So you have to watch for a minute before you get to see everything

Hit play and if that doesnt work here is the link!

A couple stills of our baby!


  1. I found your blog on Pinterest the other day, while I was pinning maternity clothes. I'm due in Feb, 8 days after you are. I read through your blog for an hour or more, enjoying all your pregnancy updates. :)
    Congrats on having a baby boy! I know that's exciting! Loved the video of you & your husband watching the ultrasound...very sweet.

  2. I have been following your blog! I'm due next yeat in
    March first...or so...I love all fitness tips and other ideas you post. Congrats to both of you. I can't wait till I find out the gender of our baby. It is still weeks away but I am patiently waiting. So happy for the the both you:)

  3. Congrats! So exciting!


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