
Saturday, September 7, 2013

DIY Ombre Nursery Mobile

Pregnancy has made me quite the creative one here lately. I finished painting my son's dressers this morning for his nursery and I decided to hand make an ombre mobile for his crib-using paint samples! I have seen several examples on Pinterest and figured it would be easy! And it was... to an extent! I had lots of fun making this mobile and I would love to share the tutorial with you.

What you will need:
  • Paint samples from Lowe's or Walmart using the colors you want. Pick the darkest you want to the lightest of each color you are using so you can get the ombre effect. I used 5 samples of each color-yellow and blue. Since his colors are yellow, blue, and grey. If you are doing two ombred colors like I am, you will need at least 40 samples.4 cards of each yellow color (there will be 5 yellow colors) and 4 cards of each blue color (there will be 5 blue colors). Make sense? Also, get big paint cards-not the small ones.
  • Super glue
  • Clear fishing line
  • Scissors
  • 2 skinny rods around 12-18 inches long. You can buy them at AC Moore, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby in the wood crafts section. They are $0.49 each!
  • Paint color of your choice-to paint the wood rod.. I used paint from my dressers. You can get an 8oz sample of Valspar paint from Lowe's for $3 OR you can go to walmart and grab the newest issue of Elle magazine and snag the free sample coupon inside and get your paint for free. 
Total cost: $6

What to do:
  1. First, you will cut circles (or whatever shape you want) with your scissors (or a punch tool if you are wanting to take the easy route). I cut mine biggest to smallest-darkest to lightest. I used two colors so I cut 8 circles of each color. I made the circles smaller as I went lighter. It does not have to be perfect-thats what makes it art.
  2. Paint your two rods the color you want-I painted mine blue to match the dressers. Then assemble them into a criss cross and super glue to hold them together. Let dry.
  3. Take fishing line and cut 4 12-15 inch sections. I super glued each fishing line section to each of the 4 end corners of the rod. This will be what the circles will hang from.
  4. Next, attach the circles to make ombre-darkest to lightest. Take two of each colored circles and glue on each side of the fishing wire-starting at the top. Think of it like a sandwich and the line is in the middle. Try to line up the circles as much as you can. If you dont glue two together, youll have an ugly white side with black writing. You want each side of each circle to match. 
  5. Now you want to tie a piece of fishing line around the middle of the rod to suspend from the ceiling. I tied my mobile to my air vent knob-worked out perfectly!

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