
Monday, February 24, 2014

Motivational Monday: Rhyanna Watson

Good morning ladies!

Today, I have Rhyanna Watson on the blog for Motivational Monday to tell her story of staying fit during pregnancy-and after! She is truly an inspiration!

I am grateful for all my challenges... for after each one that I overcame, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come...The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to become.....

These are four photos taken over the last 2 years a journey from fit to pregnant to fit again. When I was fit I could not imagine being pregnant and when I was pregnant I could not imagine being fit and strong again. The first one was taken about 3 months before I found out I was pregnant; the second shot is 29 weeks pregnant, the third shot is 2.5 weeks after giving birth and the last shot is 7 months after giving birth and back fitter than ever with a beautiful side kick Laine and amazing family. 

Pregnancy was not easy for me. I was not gym active after 5 months except walking and in time walking was a challenge; however life is not about the destination it is about the journey and enjoying the ride. We as individuals must have the courage to continue and the faith and belief in our goals always.

Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong, that obstacles, failure and loss only act as motivational.

I believe that impossible stands for I'm possible. If you believe, you will Achieve. 

I wanted to prove to people that fitness is a way of life and it isn't a fad. What you put into your life you reap the rewards from. 

I have no nanny or family at my door step to help. I workout mainly at home, body weight exercises 4 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 mins. Anyone can do this you just have to want it and make your desire stronger than your excuses. 

In life you don't always get what you wait for, but you always get what you work for. 

Comparing yourself to others is a worthless cause. While competition can provide for some solid motivation every now and then, the truth is your only competition is you. 

I used to believe that in order to be successful I had to be like everyone else. But as we all know that won’t get you anywhere. While it’s perfectly acceptable to have role models, it is essential for you to be authentic and true.

Give yourself permission to take control. Realize that you are 100 percent responsible for your current reality.

Stop wasting your precious time worrying about what’s going on around you and instead put all your energy and focus towards creating a better you. Create instead of complaining. Build instead of destroy.

Dare to experiment. Dare to explore.

Your only competition is you!

You can follow Rhyanna Watson at her Facebook page: 

**If you have a motivational story to tell and would like to be featured on our Motivational Mondays, please send me an email with your story, along with a few photos!**

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