
Friday, April 18, 2014

3 Moves to Perkier Ta-tas

Ladies, let's face it.
There is no magic pill that we can take to enlarge our boobies. The only way to enlarge our breasts naturally is to gain weight-and how many of us gain weight in just our chest alone? Not many, because if more of us did, then we would not resort to breast implants!  
However, if surgery is not an option for you, there are a few exercises out there that will help build our pectoral muscles, which lie under the fatty tissues of our breasts. In turn, your ta-tas might appear a bit fuller than they were before. Regardless if it does or doesn't improve the look of your chest, it certainly won't hurt to try-and I personally love chest days!
Here are 3 exercises to help build those pectoral muscles to help your lady bits appear much perkier than they were before:
  1. Get into a plank position with hands planted directly under the shoulders (slightly wider than shoulder width apart). Ground the toes into the floor to stabilize the bottom half of the body. Engage the abs and back so the body is neutral. In other words, flat as a… plank (ah, now we get it!)
  2. Begin to lower the body—back flat, eyes focused about three feet in front of you to keep a neutral neck—until the chest nearly touches the floor. (Note: Some experts say a push-up isn’t a push-up unless the chest actually grazes the ground). Don’t let the butt dip or stick out at any point during the move; the body should remain flat from head to toe all the way through the movement. Draw the shoulder blades back and down, while keeping the elbows tucked close to the body, so the upper arms form a 45-degree angle at the bottom of the push-up position.
  3. Keeping the core engaged, exhale as you push back to the start position as explosively as possible without leaving the ground (pow!). That’s one! Repeat for 10-20 reps or as many as can be performed with good form (no sagging those hips, ya heard?)
Chest Press
  1. Lie on a fitness ball with a dumbbell in each hand and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Push the dumbbells up so that your arms are directly over your shoulders and your palms are up.
  3. Pull your abdominals in, and tilt your chin toward your chest.
  4. Lower the dumbbells down and a little to the side until your elbows are slightly below your shoulders.
  5. Roll your shoulder blades back and down, like you’re pinching them together and accentuating your chest.
  6. Push the weights back up, taking care not to lock your elbows or allow your shoulder blades to rise off the ball.
Ab Plank

  1. Start off on a yoga mat in the pushup position. Starting with the pushup position is the easiest way to get into the plank.
  2. Lower both your forearms to the ground so that both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground. Your palms should be balled up, and directly underneath your shoulders.
  3. Curl your toes under and engage your abs by tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
  4. Straighten your body but keep your neck and spine neutral. Imagine that you’re a plank of wood, and that you’re straight as an arrow.
  5. Flex your abdominals and squeeze your glutes. These are the two major muscle groups you’ll be working out in this exercise.
  6. Hold this position, also known as the plank, until after the burning begins. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. Avoid raising your behind. Your body should make a straight line from your heels to the back of your head.

Images: Women's Health Magazine

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