
Saturday, August 30, 2014

5 Myths About Breast Implants Debunked

There are so many women out there who already have implants or who are considering getting them. So many questions, fears, and worries come to mind revolving around the surgery and the implants themselves.

I made the decision to go under the knife in 2011 and shared my personal story of the whole process. Before my surgery, I heard millions of things that honestly almost scared me from even going through with it. However, I am glad that I did and love my look!  I can tell you that most things that you hear are either outdated or big fat myths!

Here are the top 5 myths about breast implants and the truth behind the myth:

1. MYTH: You cannot breastfeed with implants.  This is not true for many women. I breastfeed with my implants and it is absolutely fine! I chose to go the submuscular route so that my mammary glands would not be effected or cut into. However, on the flip side, some women are not able to breastfeed with implants because they went the subglandular route or somehow the surgery damaged their nerves, breast milk ducts, or milk glands. Where and how the implant is inserted has everything to do with the likelihood the woman will be able to breastfeed in the future. If you avoid a nipple incision and instead put the implants under the breast crease – a procedure called an inframammary incision – or if you put the implants under the muscle of the chest wall, the majority of patients do not have a problem breast feeding.

2. MYTH: Breast implants are dangerous. Contrary to popular belief, breast implants are no longer as "dangerous" as they used to be. They have actually come a long way from when they were first introduced. However, they do carry some risks-just as with any other surgical procedure out there. The FDA mentions the following risks associated with breast implants:
  • Additional surgeries, with or without removal of the device
  • Capsular contracture, scar tissue that forms around the implant and squeezes the implant
  • Breast pain
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Rupture with deflation of saline-filled implants
  • Rupture with or without symptoms (silent rupture) of silicone gel-filled implants


3. MYTH: Implants must be replaced every ten years. Most surgeons recommend that implants be replaced by the 10th year or so. However, this is just a basic guideline because the FDA intends for the implants to not be "lifetime devices"  since with time, implants can be more susceptible to tearing-but that is not a guarantee. Most women actually can live off one or two surgical procedures since implants only need to be replaced if there is a problem with them-though most women choose to redo their breasts after pregnancy, breastfeeding, and with age as gravity tends to take its toll.


4. MYTH: Implants feel "unnatural" or "fake." Not at all-especially if you choose the silicone gel route. They are actually very natural feeling and looking; moreso than saline implants. There are other factors that come into play that can make implants feel absolutely natural such as the amount of normal breast tissue you already had, the implant's covering, the position of the implant, how the implant was inserted, and of course your doctor! Always do your research and if you want them to look completely natural, speak up! You should never go too big for your frame.


5. MYTH: You will look awesome right away. This is usually NEVER the case! Immediately after surgery, you are swollen, bruised, and your implants look as it they were stuffed in your neck. It takes time for swelling to go down and for the implants to "drop" into their places. You usually do not come out looking your best-more like Frankenstein's bride. However, the look of your implants will get better!

Do you have implants? What has been your experience?

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