
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Newest Favorite Health Products Are From Wal-Mart (WUUUUHHH???)

Discolsure Statement: I was given these products from Wal-Mart through CafeMom to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own.

Hi mamas!

Some of you have recently asked me to share my favorite & affordable go-to items for getting my family into a healthy routine- whether it be our favorite workout supplements or our favorite household items that we like to have readily available. As you know, overall health plays a HUGE role in my family day to day. I am so excited to share that I actually get some of my workout products from Wal-Mart.

Wait-I know what you are thinking. "Wuhhhhh???? Wal-Mart????"
Yes. Read on!

I am so excited to share with you a few of my and my husband's favorite new workout supplements and they are available at Wal-Mart for a fraction of the cost of other supplements on the market these days. That does not mean the quality is low-it is actually superb quality! My husband was also impressed as we share each other's supplements from time to time.

I had the chance to try the Six Star brand (made by Muscletech-a super popular supplement company which products are featured in GNC stores and other vitamin/herbal/supplement shops) whey protein powder, ready made protein shakes, and protein bars.

The protein powder was absolutely chocolate-y (my favorite!); however, it was not chalky and gross like some other whey powders on the market these days. I first tried it with almond milk and it was so creamy and delicious. Next, I tried it with water and it still had great flavor! Plus, 2 scoops has 60 grams of protein! Can't beat that.

The chocolate fudge protein shakes were my favorite bedtime (or even midnight) snack. This was actually my favorite Six Star product. For the mamas who are breastfeeding through the night, you know how we tend to get a little hungrier than most since we are up frequently. This is a great snack without tipping the scale since it is primarily protein packed! I also like the fact its pre-made so all I have to do is reach inside the fridge to grab one in between chasing around my son. It tastes just like a chocolate milkshake. Each shake has 20 grams of protein!

The Six Star protein bars made great snacks as well! I tossed one in my purse and ate it while waiting for my son's doctor appointment-which sometimes takes forever. It helped to keep me from getting too "hangry." I also store a few in the diaper bag because you never know when hunger is going to strike! They were very peanut buttery and did not taste like your average protein bar-which most I cannot tend to stomach the protein-y taste! But, these were awesome.

Overall, I absolutely loved what Six Star brand from Wal-Mart had to offer! Great value without sacrificing taste and quality.

Have you tried Six Star? If not, then I urge you to at least give them a try!

Some of you have asked what vitamins I prefer. Nowadays, I love Women's One-a-Day brand by Bayer from Wal-Mart. The VitaCraves gummies taste like candy to me! I tried to not eat the whole bottle!

If you do not prefer gummies, then Women's One-a-Day has a capsule form that is just as good for you. Right now, these supplements are on sale so go check them out at your local Wal-Mart!

Fall and colder temperatures are underway.. which means SICKNESS is bound to happen. Yay...
Now, that I have a baby, I am more aware of germ prevention and keeping our family absolutely well during flu season.

I always use Clorox brand disinfecting wipes from Wal-Mart. I prefer the big value pack because you save a good bit. It also comes with a million wipes! Ok, maybe not a million, but 225! You will be surprised at how many you go through when you are wiping counter tops, high chairs, toilet seats, bath tubs, floors, you name it. 

We always keep Zyrtec in this house. My husband has allergies pretty badly-luckily, I do not. But I have noticed our son sneezing here and there so we have Zyrtec dissolvable tablets for him-just in case!

Lastly, Tylenol Cold & Flu is a must for the upcoming flu season. I get one or two colds a year and they are always in the fall! I am prepared this time around.

All items featured in this post can be found at your local Wal-Mart.

Now, I would like to know what are some of YOUR favorite products to help keep your family on a healthy routine? Do you enjoy anything in particular especially for the upcoming colder months?

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