
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Booty Blast Boot Camp Circuit

Booty, booty, booty, booty rockin' everywhere.

People are obsessed with their butts and achieving that perfect ass. The fact is that most people know what they have to do in order to get one, but they are not willing to put in the effort and time to attain it.

Perfect asses do not just happen overnight nor do they grow on trees (geez, if only!) but we can grow them with hard work and dedication!

Booty Blast Bootcamp Circuit

Directions: Warm up with five minutes of light cardio, then repeat each three-exercise circuit three times. Cool down with five minutes of stretching or walking.

Circuit 1
20 Lunge Kicks
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides, elbows bent.
  • Lunge forward with left leg while swinging right arm forward and left arm back.
  • This completes one rep. Alternate sides.
15 Pistol Squats
  • Stand holding your arms straight out in front of your body at shoulder level, parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your right leg off the floor and hold it there.
  • Flex your right ankle so that your toes are higher than your heel.
  • Your right leg should be straight.
  • Brace your core.
  • Push your hips back and lower your body as far as you can.
  • As you lower your body, raise your right leg so that it doesn't touch the floor.
  • Pause, then push your body back to the starting position.
  • Keep your torso as upright as possible.
20 Burpees

  • Begin in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Now, lower your body into a squatting position, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Kick your feet back so that you are in push-up position. Keep your hands firmly on the ground to support your body.
  • Lower your chest to do a push-up. Bring your chest back up.
  • Kick your feet back to their original position. Stand up, and then jump into the air while clapping your arms overhead.
  • Repeat.
Circuit 2
30 Jump Squats
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging at your sides.
  • Squat down until your knees are bent about 90 degrees.
  •  Immediately swing your arms overhead and jump upward as high as you can.
  • As you land, gently bend your knees and sink back down into the squat position.
25 Glute Circles
  • Get on hands and knees and extend one leg, bent at roughly a 90-degree angle.
  • Now draw a circle with the foot of the leg that is lifted.
  • You will feel this in your glutes – this is a butt lifting workout as it targets and tones the glutes from multiple angles.
  • Switch leg.

 30 Glute Kickbacks
  • Get into a quadruped position with all four limbs on the floor.
  • Your hands should be lined up directly under your shoulders and your knees should be directly under your hips.
  • While keeping your knee bent, lift up one knee off the floor and drive your leg up toward the ceiling until your thighs become aligned with your torso.
  • Lower your knee back toward the floor, and immediately move onto the next repetition. 
  • Perform all repetitions on one leg before switching to the opposite leg.
Circuit 3
40 PliƩ Squats
  • Begin in a wide stance with toes out at a comfortable angle. Your knees will need to stay alined with your toes, so don't go out too far.
  • To add weight you can hold dumbbells on the upper thighs, a single dumbbell in front or a barbell on the shoulders or behind the head.
  • Bend the knees and lower down into a squat, keeping knees in line with toes, abs contracted and back straight.
  • Only go down as low as you can without compromising your flexibility or your balance.
  • Push back to start without locking the knees.
35 Swinging Bridges
  • Go back into the bridge position described above.
  • Here is where the “swinging” comes in; press upwards and to one side of the “bridge”, before dipping back down towards the mat while moving to press upwards at the opposite side.
40 Knee Tuck Extensions
  • On all fours, lift one leg straight out behind you into the air so that you feel the burn in your glutes.
  • Then, bring that same leg up and in so that your knee almost touches the elbow of the same side of the body.
  • You will feel this in your glutes, thighs, obliques, lower back and even a bit in your arms and shoulders.
Want to build a better body in just 12 weeks? Check out my Fit Mommy Workout Bundle!
Bundle & Save BIG!

In this bundle, you will receive:
-Butt & Thigh Blaster 4 Week Home Workout Program
-Armed & Fabulous 4 Week Home Program 
-Ab & Core Attach 4 Week Home Program
-Eat Clean, Get Lean 4 Week Meal Plan

All programs are bodyweight exercises only-NO GYM REQUIRED! You can simply do these at home within the comfort of your own home. 
Features 4 weeks of high-resolution step-by-step pictures and an exercise directory.
*The Armed & Fabulous program does require one set of dumbbells only.

Jumpstart your weightloss with this 4 week clean eating meal plan! With over 60 easy-to-make recipes, you are sure to enjoy the world of clean eating while losing those few extra pounds.

"Can I do all 3 workout programs together?" Absolutely! You can actually alternate them and do your butt program one day, arms the next, and then abs. Then start over! 

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