
Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Planksgiving November Challenge

Get ready to celebrate the month of November by working on mastering your planks! You will learn 8 different types of plank exercises as well as getting your entire body conditioned for the cold winter months ahead!


Happy Planksgiving November Challenge
(complete each exercise once daily)

Saturday November 1
5 second elbow plank
5 plank walks
5 second two point plank
5 second plank with leg raise

Sunday November 2
5 second side plank
5 plank jacks
5 planks with donkey kicks
5 second plank punches

Monday November 3
10 second elbow plank
10 plank walks
10 second two point plank
10 second plank with leg raise

Tuesday November 4
10 second side plank
10 plank jacks
10 planks with donkey kicks
10 second plank punches

Wednesday November 5
15 second elbow plank
15 plank walks
15 second two point plank
15 second plank with leg raise

Thursday November 6 
15 second side plank
15 plank jacks
15 planks with donkey kicks
15 second plank punches

Friday November 7
20 second elbow plank
20 plank walks
20 second two point plank
20 second plank with leg raise

Saturday November 8
20 second side plank
20 plank jacks
20 planks with donkey kicks
20 second plank punches

Sunday November 9
25 second elbow plank
25 plank walks
25 second two point plank
25 second plank with leg raise

Monday November 10
25 second side plank
25 plank jacks
25 planks with donkey kicks
25 second plank punches

Tuesday November 11
30 second elbow plank
30 plank walks
30 second two point plank
30 second plank with leg raise

Wednesday November 12
30 second side plank
30 plank jacks
30 planks with donkey kicks
30 second plank punches

Thursday November 13
35 second elbow plank
35 plank walks
35 second two point plank
35 second plank with leg raise

Friday November 14
35 second side plank
35 plank jacks
35 planks with donkey kicks
35 second plank punches

Saturday November 15
40 second elbow plank
40 plank walks
40 second two point plank
40 second plank with leg raise

Sunday November 16
40 second side plank
40 plank jacks
40 planks with donkey kicks
40 second plank punches

Monday November 17
45 second elbow plank
45 plank walks
45 second two point plank
45 second plank with leg raise

Tuesday November 18
45 second side plank
45 plank jacks
45 planks with donkey kicks
45 second plank punches

Wednesday November 19
50 second elbow plank
50 plank walks
50 second two point plank
50 second plank with leg raise

Thursday November 20
50 second side plank
50 plank jacks
50 planks with donkey kicks
50 second plank punches

Friday November 21
55 second elbow plank
55 plank walks
55 second two point plank
55 second plank with leg raise

Saturday November 22
55 second side plank
55 plank jacks
55 planks with donkey kicks
55 second plank punches

Sunday November 23
60 second elbow plank
60 plank walks
60 second two point plank
60 second plank with leg raise

Monday November 24
60 second side plank
60 plank jacks
60 planks with donkey kicks
60 second plank punches

Tuesday November 25
65 second elbow plank
65 plank walks
65 second two point plank
65 second plank with leg raise

Weddnesday November 26
65 second side plank
65 plank jacks
65 planks with donkey kicks
65 second plank punches

Thursday November 27
70 second elbow plank
70 plank walks
70 second two point plank
70 second plank with leg raise

Friday November 28
70 second side plank
70 plank jacks
70 planks with donkey kicks
70 second plank punches

Saturday November 29
75 second elbow plank
75 plank walks
75 second two point plank
75 second plank with leg raise

Sunday November 30
75 second side plank
75 plank jacks
75 planks with donkey kicks
75 second plank punches

Elbow Plank
  1. Start off on a yoga mat in the pushup position. Starting with the pushup position is the easiest way to get into the plank.
  2. Lower both your forearms to the ground so that both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground. Your palms should be balled up, and directly underneath your shoulders.
  3. Curl your toes under and engage your abs by tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
  4. Straighten your body but keep your neck and spine neutral. Imagine that you’re a plank of wood, and that you’re straight as an arrow.
  5. Flex your abdominals and squeeze your glutes. These are the two major muscle groups you’ll be working out in this exercise.
  6. Hold this position, also known as the plank, until after the burning begins. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. Avoid raising your behind. Your body should make a straight line from your heels to the back of your head.
Side Plank
  1. Lie on your right side with your legs straight.
  2. Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line.
  3. Rest your left hand on your hip.
  4. Brace your abs and hold for the prescribed amount of time.
Plank Walks
  1. Get into a plank position. Your legs should be straight out behind you and you are resting on your arms.
  2. Then move your right arm so you move into a push up position, with your weight being supported by your hand.
  3. Then move your left arm into the same position, so you are now in the push up position.
  4. Bring your right hand down to the original plank position.
  5. Repeat with the left arm.
Plank Jacks
  1. Begin in plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists, your body in one straight line, and your feet together.
  2. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don’t let your booty rise toward the ceiling.
Two Point Plank
  1. Prop up onto your elbows, making sure to keep them lined up under your shoulders.
  2. Feet should be about shoulder-width apart with toes on the ground.
  3. Lift your hips off the floor and try to keep your shoulders, hips, and legs aligned.
  4. Concentrate on pressing the navel into the spine while maintaining a relaxed breathing pattern.
  5. From this position, lift one foot off the ground while picking up the opposite arm.
  6. Your hips may rise as you decrease the stability so try to keep your hips flat and look outward rather than downward during the exercise.
  7. Alternate arms and legs every 10 seconds or so for a total of prescribed amount of reps.
Planks with Donkey Kicks
  1. Begin in an elbow plank with elbows directly under shoulders, abs engaged toward the spine. Don't let the pelvis sag down or pop up.
  2. Lift right leg off the ground, bending your knee so the sole of your foot is toward the ceiling. Keep pelvis square to the floor. Don't let your pelvis twist.
  3. Press your right heel toward the ceiling as high as you can without moving your pelvis or lower back. The motion will not be huge but rather concentrated on the booty and hamstring.
  4. Lower the bent leg slightly, and repeat for prescribed amount of  repetitions. Then switch sides.
 Plank with Leg Raise
  1. Get into a modified pushup position with your weight resting on your forearms and toes, elbows directly beneath your shoulders.
  2. Your body should form a straight line from your neck to your ankles.
  3. From that position, brace your core and lift one foot off the floor.
  4. You can hold that position for the entire set—and then do the second set with the other leg raised, or switch legs halfway through each set.
Plank Punches
  1. Begin in high plank position. Your shoulders, arms and wrists should be in line with one another and make sure your back is flat. Focus on engaging your core and glutes.
  2. Raise your left arm and punch forward, extending your arm straight out as you punch. Motion is slow and controlled; core is to remain engaged throughout the entire exercise, as this will also assist in maintaining your balance (it will minimise tipping as you extend your arms for each punch).
  3. Lower your left arm to the starting position, arms and wrists in line with one another again. Raise your right arm and punch forward as you did with your left.
  4. Repeat, alternating between right- and left-arm punches. Make sure core is tight throughout the entire exercise. Alternate arms.

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