
Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Son's Mickey Mouse Themed First Birthday Onesie!!!

Hi mamas! 

I want to share with you all one of my newest favorite Etsy shops where I shop for my son that has the cutest little outfits. 

Brimmer Baby was created by, Jaclyn Pare, a stay at home mom with two young boys who was fed up with the racks and racks of cute girl clothes and accessories and felt that boys need the same opportunities! And that is how this trendy little business was born!

Named after the street that her husband and she lived on together, the name has deep meaning due to all of the wonderful memories that were created during their time there.

My son loves Mickey Mouse.. I mean, he LOVES some freaking Mickey-with a passion. So it was only natural that I would request Jaclyn at Brimmer Baby to make a custom Mickey Mouse First Birthday themed onesie for Greyson to wear to his birthday party.

Upon receiving the onesie, it came neatly wrapped with a cute keepsake tag with "Happy birthday, Greyson!" This little tag made my heart smile. It is super sweet when a company takes the time to add that sweet little extra touch of personality, you know?

The black onesie features a red "1" along with a Mickey Mourse ears emblem. Jaclyn at Brimmer Baby had also told me that she could make the onesie red and do the "1" in black, if I wanted. It is amazing the customization that can take place! I chose the black because I felt it was more "Mickey-ish."

Here is a close up of the detail. Absolutely stunning! And when I put the onesie on Greyson, it got even better. His birthday isn't until Wednesday and his party is one week from today, but this is the outfit he will be wearing to his very first birthday party which is of course Mickey themed.

Oh, and Brimmer Baby can surely do many themes, based on what you or your child loves! Here is a cute Charlie Brown theme birthday onesie:

That's not all-Brimmer Baby also features birthday onesies that are perfect for parties, holidays such as Valentines or Christmas, or even family/baby photoshoots.

Check out Brimmer Baby's shop to get your very own onesie! You can email them with questions or requests for custom orders at: 

Also, be sure to check out their Facebook page for coupons & previews of fabrics & colors as well as customer's photos and new products on their Instagram.

Disclaimer: I was given a onesie to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own.

When In Doubt....

Something I've personally struggled with since becoming a mother has been juggling my time between running my business and, well, being a mom and wife. 

It's not easy. 

There are some days that I must remind myself that tomorrow my son will be just another day older and that I can never get today back once it's gone.

 I remind myself that long after my child is gone, there will still be laundry to fold, dishes to wash, and books to write. 

But for now, I choose him. I choose motherhood. It's okay for the house to be a little messy at times and it's also okay if you've got to put your work first at times to make ends meet. 

As long as you cherish each and every moment, you're golden.

Friday, January 30, 2015

How to Make Your Lower Abs POP!

Abs. Everyone wants 'em, but it isn't easy to get 'em. Especially when it comes to lower abs.


Hormonally, this is where both men AND women tend to store their fat. The fat is really stubborn to lose in this particular area and you've got to work really hard to get your fat percentage (all over) down.

Then, when you lose the fat, that is only half the story. The second part to making your abs POP, is building the muscle. I have just finished phase one as I am one year postpartum (below). I am now beginning to work on growing these abdominal muscles to make them SHOW.


Basically, you've got to burn that layer of fat that is covering your hidden six-pack and there are only 3 ways to do so:
  1. Eat clean. Eating a clean diet is super important here. When you fuel your body with the right foods, amazing things begin to happen: you jiggle a little bit less, the number on the scale might budge, and your clothes may begin to fit just a little bit better. Aim for lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs, fruits, and veggies. Boost your metabolism by eating 5-6 meals a day so that you are eating something somewhat often to prevent your body from slowing itself down because it thinks it could be a while before your next meal. If you are hungry before bedtime-that's fine. Eat a lean protein snack. Keep smart snacks stocked in your fridge or pantry such as protein powder, cottage cheese, fruit, and nut butters.
  2. Hiit it. Hiit will take your metabolism from below zero to rocketing sky high in a short time period-and it will boost your fatloss even quicker than you can say "bye, bye fat!" Ok, not THAT quick, but quicker than any other type of exercise out there. You want to add HIIT to your daily workout routine to burn that fatty layer that we discussed earlier that's been hiding those abs. Try one of our regular hiit workouts that we post daily to get your heart pumping!
  3. Strength train your whole core-not just targeting the lower abs. In addition to HIIT, you NEED strength training.Without it, you might only obtain flat abs with not much definition. If you really want to make those muscles POP, build and grow those muscles.
Here are 5 great moves to train your core while still focusing on those lower abdominal muscles:

Reverse Crunches
  1. Lie down on the floor with your legs fully extended and arms to the side of your torso with the palms on the floor.
  2. Move your legs up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and feet are together and parallel to the floor.
  3. Move your legs towards the torso as you roll your pelvis backwards and you raise your hips off the floor.
  4. Hold the contraction for a second and move your legs back to the starting position while exhaling.
  5. Repeat.
Hanging Leg Raises
  1. Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arms length in top of you using either a wide grip or a medium grip. The legs should be straight down with the pelvis rolled slightly backwards. This will be your starting position.
  2. Raise your legs until the torso makes a 90-degree angle with the legs. Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for a second or so.
  3. Go back slowly to the starting position and repeat.
Boat Pose
  1. Start seated with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lean back just far enough so your feet can float off the ground.
  2. Begin to straighten your legs together so that your body forms a V shape, keeping your arms extended and parallel to the ground.
  3. Balance on your tailbone and sit bones, chest lifted, and gaze
Ball Leg Lifts
Recently Updated18
  1.  Lie flat on the ground with a stability ball in between your ankles.
  2. While crunching your upper abs and bracing the center of your abs, slowly squeeze the ball with your ankles.
  3. Raise the ball upwards towards the ceiling.
  4. Return to start. This is one rep.
Captain's Chair

It IS possible to get abs after baby. I will show you how I did it!

The Abs After Baby Program Includes:
-The anatomy of your mommy abs.
-10 best Yoga moves for abs.
-Daily clean eating sample for abs plus a few recipes.
-Soothing exercises for the C-Section mother.
-All about Diastasis Recti and how to check yourself for it.
-An easy H.I.I.T. workout for warm ups.
-A workout program filled with ab-tastic exercises to target your whole abdominal muscle groups!

**Please note: If you are healing from a new C-Section or have Diastasis Recti, please check with your doctor before beginning a new workout program. This program is NOT recommend for pregnant women**

Protein Cake Batter Dough Recipe

Protein Cake Batter Dough!

-1 scoop MRM natural vanilla whey (Use code SIA at checkout for 40% off all products!)
-2 tbsp coconut flour 
-1/4 c. coconut or almond milk
-sprinkles or chocolate chips

Mix it all to experience a guiltless treat 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My New Favorite Way to Tone My Thighs (And Burn Lots of Calories!)

Sooo, I got a NEW piece of equipment that has stepped into the Diary of a Fit Mommy Gym recently. Are you excited as I am to hear about it??

It is called the Slide Board by Obsidian. This unique board was developed by Erin & Lacey, two personal trainers with extensive training. You burn a ton of calories by sliding back and forth as your form of pure cardio. I am not sure why I am just NOW hearing about the slide boarding craze, as it's been around for a while, but I love it!

The Obsidian Fitness Workout System includes a unique slide board which lets you slide from side to side which effectively engages the core muscles – burning stomach fat and losing inches around the waist line. These workouts will help tone your abs and obliques, leaner legs, a toner upper body and a firm and lifted behind. This amazing workout system will boost your metabolism so your body will continue to burn calories long after your workout.

Some features of the Slide Board by Obsidian are:

  • Comes with a LIFETIME guarantee. If anything breaks (ever), you are covered.
  • There's NOTHING to install. Just unroll and go!
  • Can do over 100 workouts.
  • Easy to use, easy to clean.
  • So much fun to use!
  • Comes with THREE DVD's (Beginner, Crazy Abs, and Pure Cardio) But there are a ton others as well.
  • Comes with a set of slide mitts and booties to wear.
  • Great for low impact cardio.
  • The board is kind of like a yoga mat in the fact that it can easily fold up and be stored anywhere. 

To be honest, when I was approached to review this slide board, I was not sure what to think. I am the type of girl who hates cardio and who loves lifting. But, I figured, why not? I couldn't believe how much fun I had with the board-my husband loved it too! 

The workouts are seriously aweome. They challenge your core to stay balanced as you slide, but they also tone your legs. You also use your arms to help slide yourself, so this makes the perfect total body at-home cardio.

Each morning, I will seriously pump up my iTunes and do my cardio using this board. My INNER and OUTER THIGHS have never been more toned! It is hard to believe that a simple board can do this, but it's not so simple. It is genius!

Don't believe me? Check out my video below!

To get your very own slide board for your home gym, visit the main site's store

Take 25% off of your entire purchase using promo code: SIA25. This code expires 05/31/15 so hurry! :)

Also, be sure to check out their Facebook, TwitterInstagram, & YouTube pages for news and more info!

Disclaimer: I was given a Slide Board to rest, at no cost. All opinions are my own.

Copycat Chipotle Chicken Bowls Recipe & Cooking Tutorial

Chipotle is one of my favorite places ever. However, I love cooking most of my food at home versus going out to eat to save money, time, and to make things easier with having a baby.

So, I decided to create my own little version of the ever so popular Chipotle bowls. Chipotle bowls are basically a deconstructed burrito-in a bowl-without a tortilla holding things together. The great thing about this recipe is that you can add or take away anything that you want! You can cook with chicken, steak, or tofu. You can use any veggies you like, any cheese, etc. Plus, it is fun to make and the whole family loves it!

Copycat Chipotle Chicken Bowls Recipe & Cooking Tutorial
  • 2 small, frozen chicken breasts (skinless)
  • 2 cups brown rice
  • 1 cup guacamole (homemade or store bought). To make my homemade simple guac, you will need: 2 avocados, lime juice, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and paprika.
  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1/2 cup pinto beans
  • 1/2 onion, sliced and diced
  • 1/2 tomato, sliced and diced
  • shredded fiesta blend cheese
  • chipotle seasoning
  • sea salt/cracked black pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake both frozen chicken breasts (unseasoned) for 30 minutes.
  2. While the chicken is cooking, you can boil your brown rice, chop your onion and tomato, and make your guacamole. 
  3. To make the guac homemade, take your two ripe avocados and peel & pit them. Transfer to a mixing bowl and mash them with a fork. Add in 2 tbsp garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste and a dash of paprika. Lastly, add in one tbsp lime juice and ash with a fork thoroughly. Set aside.
  4. When the chicken is well done and juices run clear, transfer to a cutting board and shred into smaller pieces using two forks. Transfer the shreds back to the baking pan and sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp chipotle seasoning and salt/pepper to taste. Place back into the oven for 5 more minutes. Remove and set aside.
  5. Now, it is time to layer your bowls. Begin in this order: Rice, chicken, beans, veggies, guac, and then cheese.
  6. Enjoy!
Here is a video tutorial in which I show you how I personally make mine!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Babywearing Workout

Good morning! Sooo cold this morning, but got our workout in!

Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

-Alternating Lunges
-60 Sec. Plank
-Alternating Plank to Elbows 
-Side Step Squats

Carrier: Boba

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mommy & Baby At-Home Workout

Here's a quick all over workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home with just you and your baby!

If Adults Acted Like Babies

After seeing my son do some pretty odd things for fun, I decided to try them out for myself. 
Beware. This could get ugly.

3 Simple Steps to Becoming a Fit Mommy

Fit mommies are popping up everywhere, it seems.

Mostly, it is the criticisms that we hear regarding them and the fact that they are setting "unrealistic expectations" to some than the goodness of what they do.

Regardless, becoming a fit mommy seems to be on a lot of ladies' wish lists and I am excited to tell you that you can be one, too!

When I gave birth almost one year ago to my beautiful baby boy, I made it a point to keep fit during pregnancy. I wanted to instill those healthy core values in my family before my son even arrived. Becoming a mother has made my body so much better than it was before. I feel sexy and strong, knowing what I am capable of.

Left: 2010 pre-baby, Right: 2014 10 months post-partum

I had dropped 45lbs prior to pregnancy and continued 5 day a week workouts all throughout my pregnancy and up until the day that I gave birth. I actually ran 3 miles the day I went into labor, on my due date. Apparently, I was in labor the whole day and didn't know it. #firstpreggoproblems


Here's how to become a fit mommy in 3 simple steps!

1. Give birth.
2. Workout
3. Eat clean.

That's it!

I know what you are thinking. "You're joking, right?" 

Being a fit mom does not mean you have to have a six pack, toned legs, or a nice, round butt. It does not mean that you have to hang out at the gym for 3 hours everyday, posting selfies. It does not mean you have to compete in bikini comp. It does not mean that you have to be a size 2 or rock skinny jeans. It does not mean you go without slipping up on your diet here or there. Most of all, it does not mean that you are flawless.

Being a fit mom does mean that you have given birth at some point in your life and are steadily making strives to lead and live a healthier life. It does mean that you are working on a lifestyle change by steadily changing your eating habits and teaching your children to do the same. It does mean that you are making a point to get up and out of the house to grab a few minutes of sunshine and to move your body. It does mean that you are mentally well and doing more of what makes you happy.

Becoming a "fit mommy" or a fit person, in general, isn't easy. When you add kids and a new lifestyle to the mix, it SURELY does not get any easier than before.

Let Them Be Little

Growing up, one of the most sweetest and fondest memories I had in my childhood was with my grandmother.  

We did everything together. She encouraged me to have fun, play, and explore.  

Of one the things that I remember most is her allowing me to drag out each and every pot that she owned, along with chopsticks and wooden spoons, and beat them until there was no end in sight. In my mind, I was playing the drums. I was having a blast! Bless her heart for all of the lousness-but, she never once complained. 

Most of all, she let me be a little. Unfortunately, that was the last time I was allowed to be little in my entire life. 

I have seen many parents who take that away from their children. I've seen others take their children being little as an annoyance. 

They get mad when their children are too loud or if they run too fast. They get mad when they throw their food down or when they knock things off of the coffee table. 

But what are the children supposed to do?

Don't get me wrong. I am all about raising your child up properly to show them the right ways to do things, with manners, to become an extraordinary and responsible adult. I don't believe in letting your child overrun you or letting them become rambunctious by doing whatever they want. 

However there's a time in your life where you get one free pass to be little. 

During that short time, some of the best memories are made that can last for the rest of your lifetime. 

Albert Einstein once said that "Play is the highest form of research." 
He was correct. 

I thank my grandma for allowing me and embracing me to be the child that I was. I was loud and messy at times, but it fueled my creativity and lead me to the adult that I am today. 

My son loves to make a mess. In fact, he gets into everything. Sometimes I correct him, sometimes I just let him be. I can see the wheels turning in his brain and it's so remarkable to watch.

So let them be little. 
Let them splash a little too much in the bathtub.
Let the yell at the top of their lungs. 
Let them throw their food around. 
Let them bang on pots and pans.
Let the make noise.
Let them get dirty. 
Let them run around naked (at home).
Let them explore their curiosities.
Let them eat all of their Cheerios in one sitting. 
Let them play with the tv remote or the toilet paper.
Let them knock all of their Dr. Seuss books off the shelf. 
Let them unfold all of your hard worked laundry.
Let them do cartwheels in the house. 
Let them stash their veggies in their pants. 
For that moment will pass and be gone too soon.
Cherish it now. 
Let them be little. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Fit Mommy Booty Bootcamp Update: Month #3

Month #3 of my Fit Mommy Booty Bootcamp program and I am loving the results!

My butt and thighs have always been my enemy.. until I found the right combination of workout and clean eating to conquer it.

I have gone from flat to full in 12 weeks and do not plan on stopping!

To get a copy of yours, visit:

100+ Best Weight Loss Foods

  1. All whole grain or unprocessed foods
  2. Any fruits or vegetables 
  3. Oatmeal 
  4. Steel-Cut Oats
  5. Plain popcorn - lightly salted
  6. Brown rice
  7. Wild rice
  8. Wheat Germ
  9. Potatoes
  10. Wheat breads (Avoid White breads)
  11. Granary bread
  12. Pitta bread
  13. Wheat Bagel
  14. Wholegrain cereals
  15. High fiber breakfast cereals like All Bran and Fiber One
  16. Porridge
  17. Grits
  18. Oats
  19. Shredded wheat
  20. Whole wheat pretzels
  21. Muesli
  22. Cassava
  23. Corn
  24. Amaranth
  25. Oatcakes
  26. Pastas made with wheat like Macaroni or Spaghetti
  27. Whole Barley
  28. Buckwheat / Buckwheat pasta
  29. Quinoa
  30. Sprouted bread (Ezekiel bread)
  31. Artichokes
  32. Asparagus
  33. Arugula
  34. Green beans
  35. String beans
  36. Beets
  37. Broccoli
  38. Brussels sprouts
  39. Cabbage
  40. Carrots
  41. Cauliflower
  42. Celeriac
  43. Celery
  44. Chervil
  45. Chicory
  46. Chives
  47. Collard Greens
  48. Cucumbers
  49. Squash
  50. Tomato
  51. Cucumbers
  52. Dandelion greens
  53. Dill pickles
  54. Eggplant
  55. Endive
  56. Garlic
  57. Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  58. Grapefruit
  59. Kale
  60. Kidney Beans
  61. Kohlrabi
  62. Leeks
  63. Lettuce
  64. Mushrooms
  65. Mustard greens
  66. Okra
  67. Onions
  68. Parsley leaves
  69. Pinto Beans
  70. Turnips
  71. Watercress
  72. Parsnips (raw/boiled)
  73. Peas
  74. Peppers (green/red)
  75. Pickles (sour/sweet)
  76. Pumpkin
  77. Radishes
  78. Rappini
  79. Rhubarb
  80. Rutabagas
  81. Sauerkraut
  82. Salsify
  83. Scallions
  84. Shallots
  85. Sorrel
  86. Soybeans
  87. Spinach
  88. Tomatoes
  89. Spirulina
  90. Swiss Chard
  91. Yams
  92. Sweet Potatoes
  93. Zucchini
  94. Water Cress
  95. Apples
  96. Apricots
  97. Asian Pears
  98. Bananas
  99. Blackberries
  100. Blackcurrants
  101. Blueberries
  102. Cantaloupe
  103. Cherry
  104. Cranberries
  105. Currants
  106. Damson plum
  107. Figs
  108. Goji Berries
  109. Grapes
  110. Honeydew melon
  111. Huckleberries
  112. Kiwi
  113. Kumquats
  114. Lemon
  115. Limes
  116. Loganberries
  117. Mangoes
  118. Melon
  119. Muskmelons
  120. Navy beans
  121. Nectarines
  122. Papaya
  123. Pineapple
  124. Plums
  125. Pomegranates
  126. Prunes
  127. Oranges
  128. Peach
  129. Pear
  130. Plum
  131. Avocado
  132. Raspberries
  133. Spaghetti Squash
  134. Strawberries
  135. Quince
  136. Tangerines
  137. Watermelon
  138. Protein Bars
  139. Whey Protein
  140. Casein Protein
  141. Egg Protein
  142. Soy Protein - vegetarian protein source
  143. Hemp Protein - another vegetarian protein source
  144. Blended Protein - combination of protein sources
  145. Organic Beef (range-fed or game)
  146. Cornish hen
  147. Chicken - Lean Chicken breast (skinless)
  148. Turkey - Deli Turkey breast / Skinless Turkey breast
  149. Quail
  150. Duck
  151. Goose
  152. Emu
  153. Leanest cuts of Beef like Red round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin and chuck shoulder and arm roasts.
  154. Leanest cuts of pork like pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham.
  155. Well-trimmed Leg of lamb
  156. Bison
  157. Rabbit
  158. Deer / Moose / Elk / Caribou
  159. Top Round Leg cutlet or Chop cuts of Veal
  160. Egg whites / Egg beaters
  161. Eggs
  162. Tuna
  163. Sardines
  164. Trout
  165. Salmon
  166. Abalone
  167. Bass (fresh water/sea)
  168. Cod
  169. Roe
  170. Perch
  171. Pollack
  172. Halibut
  173. Anchovy
  174. Catfish
  175. Mackerel
  176. Flounder
  177. Herring
  178. Tilapia
  179. Swordfish
  180. Whiting
  181. Grouper
  182. Haddock
  183. Snapper
  184. Crab
  185. Crayfish
  186. Mussels
  187. Shrimp
  188. Scallops
  189. Oysters (half shell)
  190. Frog legs
  191. Terrapin (turtle)
  192. Unsalted Cashews
  193. Unsalted peanuts
  194. Raw Almonds
  195. Hazelnuts
  196. Brazil Nuts
  197. Pecans
  198. Walnuts
  199. Pine Nuts
  200. Pistachio Nuts
  201. Macadamia Nuts
  202. Pistachio nuts
  203. Hazelnuts and Filberts
  204. Butternuts
  205. Beechnuts
  206. Pumpkin seeds
  207. Sunflower seeds
  208. Chia seeds
  209. Hummus
  210. Seitan
  211. Tempeh
  212. Natural peanut butter
  213. Natural cashew butter
  214. Natural almond butter
  215. Beef Jerky
  216. Tofu & Soy products
  217. Omega-3s 
  218. CLA
  219. Omega-6s 
  220. MCT 
  221. Low fat yogurt
  222. Greek yogurt
  223. Low fat cottage cheese
  224. Low fat cheese
  225. Low-fat/non-fat sour cream
  226. Low-fat or Skim milk
  227. Fat free cream cheese
  228. Carb options barbeque sauce, ketchup and pasta sauce
  229. Fat free mayonnaise
  230. French's honey mustard
  231. Mrs. Dash
  232. I can't believe it's not butter
  233. Smuker's sugar free jams
  234. Balsamic vinegar
  235. Hot peppers
  236. Cayenne peppers
  237. Hot mustard
  238. Cinnamon
  239. Cumin
  240. Turmeric
  241. Cloves
  242. Jamaica pepper
  243. Africa birdseye
  244. Anaheim
  245. Curry Powder
  246. Jalapeno Peppers
  247. Habanero Peppers
  248. Chili Peppers
  249. Chili Powder
  250. Cayenne Peppers
  251. Thai Peppers
  252. Ginger (Turmeric)
  253. Garlic
  254. Bell peppers
  255. Bird's eye chili
  256. Tabasco
  257. Rocoto
  258. Chiltepin
  259. Piquante
  260. Super Chili
  261. Datil
  262. Fatalii
  263. Naga
  264. Jolokia
  265. Scotch bonnet

Sunday, January 25, 2015

DIY Sensory Board for Babies and Toddlers

As my son approaches his very first birthday, his senses are growing and so is his curiosity to discover new things.

To feed his need to play and explore, I decided to create a sesory board for him. After seeing a few of my friends creating them for their children, I gave it a try!

We packed up in a buggy and headed into Lowe's to explore for items that would go on our sensory board.

Some items that we had gotten were:
  • a touch light
  • keys and a lock
  • plastic chains
  • carpet samples
  • wood samples
  • door locks
  • letters/numbers
  • a big square plyboard
Some other things that you can add to your board are:
  • light switch covers
  • door knockers
  • outlet covers
  • drawer knobs
  • fabric swatches
Seriously-the ideas are endless!!!

We used my husbands electric drill for some things since the plyboard was very thick and durable. Then we gorilla glued the rest such as the fabric and wood samples and the letter/numbers.

My son loved the board and played with it for hours on end. It also teaches them how to use their motor skills, as well as letting them grab and play with things they otherwise shouldn't play with (outlets, lights, etc).

All in all, the board took maybe $20 to make. I still want to add a few things onto it as it is kind of bare now, but that is the fun in this project!

The Detergent that Changed My Way of Living

I am so happy to bring you Molly's Suds today. This brand of detergent has changed the way that I live-not to mention, the way I think about some things. I have been striving to live greener and better-not because I have to, but because my family and I deserve the very best.

I have been using their cloth diapering detergent for a while now, but I recently had the chance to try their All Sport Laundry Detergent.

The founder of Molly's Suds-a pediatric nurse & mom- had her daughter on Christmas Eve of 2005, but she never took her first breath of air. This unexpected event prompted her to do research into stillborns and what causes this to happen. What she found shocked her: we were slowly being poisoned by the products we buy. All the chemicals, all the additives-it all slowly poisons us. Some of us are so careful to eat organic meats and produce, but we never think about the actual products we use on our bodies: shampoos, body wash, nail polish, lipstick, you name it. Some of the studies might frighten you!

Molly's Suds was then created after their daughter, Molly. To read the rest of her touching story (I encourage you!), click here

Their detergents contain no synthetic chemicals or additives and no harmful ingredients. 

They even make a pet shampoo

I had the chance to try the All Sport Laundry Detergent this time around. First off, the SMELL is sooo perfect with its citrusy goodness. This bottle retails for around $13 and lasts up to 32 loads.

So, how well does it work? To get all scientific, the All Sport Laundry Detergent eliminates tough odor-causing bacteria in performance wear through the use of “colloidal micelles”, which creates an energy field of safe cleaning power that penetrates and breaks up oil and dirt molecules into soluble components.

More features to this detergent:

  • Formulated for synthetic and technical fibers, the liquid helps to preserve wicking capabilities, breathability, SPF and water repellency, keeping your clothes looking new and fresh. 
  • Super-concentrated and affordable so you do not have to use much of it.
  • Formulated with non-toxic, food-grade ingredients and without the use of UV brighteners, harsh chemicals, or synthetic fragrance. 
  • Effective as a pre-treatment for stains and great as a sink wash for delicates or as a general laundry soap.
  • Versatile product for any family household.
  • It can also be used as a cleaner if you dilute 1:1 ratio with water in a spray bottle.
After the wash, my clothes came out smelling clean, but the nice touch of citrus was something else that I just couldn't get enough of! I loved using this detgergent for my husband's work uniforms and my son's onesies. 

The other night, my son was vomiting non-stop (which ultimately ended up in an ER trip) and so I tried this detergent on our bedsheets and his outfit that he was wearing. The laundry came our fresh and you wouldn't have believed the amount of vomit that was once on them!

Molly's Suds creates some awesome products. I plan to switch from Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent to this All-Sport Laundry Detergent for our future laundering needs.

Molly's Suds even has a blog filled with very useful information to read through. You can check it out here:

To learn more about Molly's Suds or to purchase their detergent for your cloth diapers, pet, or household laudry, visit:

Disclaimer: I was given a Molly's Suds cloth diaper detergent & laundry powder to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

When Heaven Needs More Baby Angels

I usually do not post on religion. This article isn't about religion anyway.

Don't get me wrong-I am not "unreligious"; I just simply do not put my beliefs out there, so to speak.

Yes, I follow God. I am non-denominational, but I don't believe there is one right way of praising the higher power in which you believe. Everyone has their reasoning or beliefs and I tend to not judge that about them so I leave religion out.

But, what about religion when it comes to death? Specifically a death on a baby. Especially a death of an unborn baby.

One question comes to mind: "Why?"

In the last two months, I have read two seperate stories of unborn loss from two of my fellow fitness bloggers-one had an ectopic pregnancy, and the other was into her second trimester-and it hit me hard.. The pain they feel, their loss, and the fact that this can happen to anyone-regarless of if you are healthy or not.

It got me questioning: "Why on Earth or in Heaven would God allow this to happen?" 

I thought back to when my husband and I were first trying to conceive. It took us about a month. I remembered taking like 5 or 6 pregnancy tests and getting excited about the faint, but definitely there, positive lines. 

I went in to get my official blood test to confirm. I waited for my results.
The blood test came back as "Equivocal."

"What the hell does that mean?"

My husband and I looked up the definition to this strange and unfamiliar term:

-open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous.
  1. "the equivocal nature of her remarks"
-uncertain or questionable in nature.

"Okayyyy." So my test was neither positive nor negative. This was highly frustrating. Was I or wasn't I pregnant? They ordered me to come back and re-test in 48 hours.

So, I went home and bought a couple of more tests to take. Slowly, over the next two days, that faint positive line got lighter and lighter. I went in for my blood test, waited patiently for an hour with my husband, and then we finally got our news: 


My husband and I cried and cried. We didn't understand. Something was there. But apparently, not anymore? I remember my next period being extra painful and heavier than the norm. I realized at that time what was going on-I had a miscarriage, very early on.

Some wouldn't even give it a second thought and some don't even know that early on. But we tried and wanted that baby so we tested everyday. We gave our hopes up. 

I can only imagine what it must feel like for pregnancies that have gone on further, accompanied with picking out names, finding out the gender, feeling the baby move, and so forth. Thinking of that makes me tear up a bit as I type this highly personal blog post.

The next month, we found out we were pregnant with Grey and we cried the happiest tears of our lives. We have conceived our "Rainbow baby." 

A Rainbow Baby is a baby born following a miscarriage or stillbirth. They are called by such name to symbolize the fact that a big, beautiful rainbow usually follows a storm.

The storm (pregnancy loss) happened and had moved on-there's nothing we can do to change it. There still might be some stormy clouds overhead as the family continues to cope with the loss, but something beautiful has emerged from the storm-the rainbow (new baby's birth).

I am not sure why God takes them, but maybe there is a higher purpose for them-one we cannot see or understand, but I do believe one thing is certain-we will have our time to meet these angels, someday. 

My heart goes to each and every mama and papa that has ever lost a baby. No matter if it was a miscarriage, stillbirth, or an acciddent or illness occuring after birth. I just simply cannot imagine and I will continue to pray for you all.