Hi ladies! A lot of you have asked me questions pertaining to my life in general and how things are going so I figured I would take a step back from health and fitness and update you all.
As you know, I spoke about my postpartum depression a few months ago. I went and saw a doctor when the baby blues did not go away. I was prescribed Zoloft and have been taking that for almost 3 months now. I no longer get so down anymore for no reason! It really has helped me feel more alive and to enjoy my baby boy and husband. Talking to a doctor was such a great move-I waited initially because I thought those feelings were normal. If you ever have an experience with PPD, please talk to someone! It is very real and usually will not go away on its own. I can say that I am totally enjoying life right now and feel a strong purpose in my life as well. I just love being a mommy!

My mom, dad, and brother came to visit us last week! I had not seen them in 3 whole years so they were so excited to meet my husband and son! They stayed for about a week and the time with them was just incredible. Greyson absolutely loved them. My brother has grown so much-I think we even look almost like twins now! (below)

My son has been growing like a weed. He is 23 weeks old today-I just cannot believe it! I try to not get down about how fast he has grown because I know that is what is SUPPOSED to happen-but, my goodness! I am so happy that he is enjoying every step and every milestone. He is definitely as proud as we are.

We have been experimenting with different table foods in this cool high chair that my mom bought him. We have tried bananas, apples, tomatoes, avocado, oranges, green beans, and watermelon so far! And he has loved it all! But he is still loving mommy's milk the best.

As far as shenanigans go, this is what happens when you are my child! Haha. We have fun in our house. When times get stressful, draw eyebrows on your child. You cannot help but laugh-then they will laugh-and the stress all melts away.

Thank you all for following the blog! It means so much to me. I realize I do not post as much pregnant related stuff anymore as I am not currently pregnant-but when we do get pregnant again, there will be lots of it! So get ready!

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