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Good pregnancy nutrition is vital to delivering a healthy
baby. Your child is totally dependent on you for nourishment, so eating well
for two is of utmost importance. It is worth the time and effort to plan a well
rounded, balanced diet, which will help insure that your baby is getting
adequate nutrients during pregnancy, and which will also provide you the needed
energy to get you through the day.
Try not to worry about gaining weight. Pregnancy isn't the
time to be cutting back on calories. In fact, a gradual, steady weight gain is
a good sign, in making sure your baby is gaining the necessary weight. Cutting
calories not only robs your baby's delicate growing organs, but it robs your
body of needed nutrition, and has the potential to slow your metabolism, the
very thing you do not want.
Remember when choosing your diet, quality is more important
than quantity. Most pregnant women need about 300 additional calories per day.
Daily calories should consist of grains, fruits, veggies, meat, poultry, fish,
nuts and dairy products.
Serving size recommendations for the average, healthy
pregnant woman include 6-11 servings of breads and grains, two-four servings of
fruit, four or more servings of vegetables, four servings of dairy products,
and three servings of protein sources (meat, poultry, fish, eggs or nuts)
There is no reason to avoid foods you crave as long as you
eat in moderation to avoid excessive weight gain, so limit saturated fats and
sweets. Eat 5-6 small meals every two to three hours. Even if you're not
hungry, your developing baby needs regular sustenance, and high frequency
eating ensures proper blood glucose levels inhibiting the dreaded insulin
spike, which causes that afternoon energy crash
.As a pregnant mom, you don't need anything else to rob
yourself of energy, so avoid skipping meals.Prenatal vitamins and mineral
supplements are usually recommended by most prenatal care providers, but should
not be used in place of eating a balanced diet, however.
Always consult with your health care provider before taking
vitamins or supplements. Most importantly, avoid alcohol, smoking and harmful
drugs. Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible. If you need a cup, go
decaffeinated. Always keep it safe for baby.
Exercise is also very important, despite the changes in your
growing belly. It may seem like a perfect time to sit back and relax, but in
fact, pregnancy can be a great time to stay active.
A good pregnancy workout has several benefits for the
mom-to-be. It will help increase circulation, improve your posture, help with
sleeplessness and help to control your weight while toning your muscles, making
it easier to get back into shape after you deliver.
Exercise also helps you stay flexible, which will benefit
you during labor and delivery. Make sure you do not over do it. Hormones occur
during pregnancy, which soften ligaments and connective tissues to prepare your
body for labor. Stay away from fast, jerky movements at all costs because it
could easily lead to injury.
Focus on moving at a slow and controlled rate. Moderate
repetition incorporating low weight or light resistance during this time in
your life, will insure an injury-free and healthy pregnancy. Remember, this is
not the time to train, but to maintain.
First, be sure to talk with your doctor to make sure it is
safe to continue your exercise routine, to identify such conditions as
preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). This time spent with the
doctor can help identify any specific risk factors to your individual
An excellent form of cardiovascular exercise for moms-to-be,
is low-impact aerobics. This involves no jumping or hopping movements, or
stepping upon any type of platform, putting you at risk of jarred joints, but
includes rhythmic movements that keep one foot on the floor at all times. You
can find these kinds of classes at your local gym or YMCA. If you prefer
working out in the privacy of your own home, pregnancy DVDs/videos are
available at most stores.
An ideal aerobic exercise for pregnant women is swimming.
Due to the buoyancy of the water it eliminates any stress on your joints and
provides gentle resistance for maintaining muscle tone. The same goes for pool
walking or a water aerobics class, typically done waist deep.
Walking is one of the best and safest ways to get exercise
and is easily worked into almost any daily routine. Taking a brisk walk through
the mall, around a neighborhood park with a friend, or an after dinner, sunset
stroll with your husband, can be a fun and convenient way to stay in shape with
little or no cost to you.
Stretching is just as important as exercises because it
helps you maintain flexibility. Your joints become very loose during pregnancy,
due to hormonal changes, so make sure you stretch before and after your
workouts, moving slowly and gently without any bouncy, jerky movements.
Dont Forget Your Kegels!
Kegel exercises help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
that support the bladder, uterus and bowels. You have the ability to relax and
control these muscles in preparation for labor and birth. They are also
encouraged during the postpartum period to promote healing of perineal tissues,
increase urinary control and help these muscles return to their healthy state
after giving birth.
Kegels should be done every day, by imagining you are trying
to stop the flow of urine or trying not to pass gas. Contract and hold for a
count of five and then relax. Repeat this contraction ten times each set, for
about five sets. At first, it may be difficult to do, so start out with a couple
of sets and work your way up.
Sleep is very important for the mom-to-be.
During the first trimester, your body works to protect and nurture the
developing baby. Your body makes more blood for the forming placenta (the organ
that nourishes the fetus until birth), making your heart pump faster. As the
baby grows, you may find it difficult or uncomfortable to lie down as before.
Taking catnaps throughout the day can be a great way to get that extra needed
sleep, you may be lacking during the night. Once the baby comes, it will be
very difficult to even find time to rest, so get it in while you can