If you are like me, then you enjoy a little Pinterest exploring every morning (or evening) as part of your daily routine. I am guilty of this!
Whenever I want to cook something new for dinner, I turn to Pinterest.
My son is turning one year old in a month so what do I do? Turn to Pinterest for party ideas.
I burned my hand baking chicken. Pinterest has a cure for it all, it seems.
So many ladies dream of what it would be like to live according to their Pinterest page, so I decided to try it out.
How many of you have actually tried attempt many of the things you've repinned?
1. I didn't have to throw all of my old towels away after all.
I have seen this tutorial for like two years. And as I was doing a load of laundry one day, I noticed my towels starting to smell funny. What a better time than to try this out!
The verdict? It works!
Whenever I want to cook something new for dinner, I turn to Pinterest.
My son is turning one year old in a month so what do I do? Turn to Pinterest for party ideas.
I burned my hand baking chicken. Pinterest has a cure for it all, it seems.
So many ladies dream of what it would be like to live according to their Pinterest page, so I decided to try it out.
How many of you have actually tried attempt many of the things you've repinned?
I started at Pinterest's "Popular" page and picked out a few things to do from each category. I decided to live my life according to Pinterest.
This is what I learned:
1. I didn't have to throw all of my old towels away after all.
I have seen this tutorial for like two years. And as I was doing a load of laundry one day, I noticed my towels starting to smell funny. What a better time than to try this out!
The verdict? It works!
I think I enjoyed my fresh towels a little too much..
2. I realized that I could halfway manage a makeup tutorial on my own.
I had great success for this makeup look! I thought I got it right on, minus all the shadowing below the eyes that I decided to opt out on. I am no makeup pro and if I were to try that, I would've come out looking like a racoon!
I had great success for this makeup look! I thought I got it right on, minus all the shadowing below the eyes that I decided to opt out on. I am no makeup pro and if I were to try that, I would've come out looking like a racoon!
Pinterest Flapper Makeup tutorial vs my flapper makeup
3. I gave myself a temporary tattoo in a location that I had been wanting.. and decided I didn't want anything there, ever. But, hey this tutorial totally worked!

I also found this idea to be perfect for my son as we are getting ready to go to Disney World on our first family vacation.
After seeing this adorable outfit, I instantly thought of the red & blue plaid button up hanging in my closet that I have been neglecting.
I didn't care for the look after seeing myself in it-the girl in the photo certainly pulls it off a LOT better than I did! Maybe it was the rain boots??
5. I learned to countour my face.. sort of.
I am no pro-makeup artist by ANY means. Most of the time, I don't have makeup on. I kept seeing all of these crazy contouring transformations so I decided to give it a try myself.
I am not sure if I just didn't do it correctly or go bold enough, but I couldn't tell a huge difference really.
6. I finally got my shit together and made my son's shadow box.
After seeing the Pinterest tutorial below, I decided to finally get my son's stuff together and make a shadow box with all of our things from birth day at the hospital. I used the photo below as inspiration and put my own spin on things.
I was super happy with my box.
After seeing the Pinterest tutorial below, I decided to finally get my son's stuff together and make a shadow box with all of our things from birth day at the hospital. I used the photo below as inspiration and put my own spin on things.
I was super happy with my box.
My Shadowbox!
7. Pinterest can actually be good for a marriage.
After seeing countless date ideas, I found this tutorial on making a "date jar" for nights when you are bored with simply nothing to do. Mine isn't as colorful as the one in the Pinterest tutorial, but it was fun making it since in the process, I started of coming up with more and more ideas that we had been missing out on.
8. Pinterest taught me how to save my avocados.
This past week, avocados were on a super sale.. so I ended up buying over ten of them.
Then, the next day, they were all freaking ripe. Shit.
What did I do next? I found the tutorial below and gave it a whirl.
The verdict? It works.
9. Pinterest taught me how to make recycled workout gear.
Got old shirts laying around? You can easily recycle them into something that you could actually use-like a workout tank.
It was easy and took less than 5 minutes or so to do. No sewing required.
Pinterest workout tank tutorial by Rabbit Food for my Bunny Teeth vs. my workout tank.
10. Pinterest made me feel like a real baker.

Pinterest mustache cake tutorial by maikonagao vs. my mustache cake.
11. Pinterest is helpful for parents.
My son loved this sensory board that I made him via this tutorial. He plays with it nonstop. I think my favorite aspect of Pinterest is the crafts-by far!
My son loved this sensory board that I made him via this tutorial. He plays with it nonstop. I think my favorite aspect of Pinterest is the crafts-by far!
I tried out a Kylie Jenner lip tutorial. I didn't quite feel like I got the look down. After all it was my first time trying this. Instead, it looked as if I sipped on hot cocoa all day and forgot to wipe my lips.
My lips
13. Nail Marbeling.... No.
Tutorial from Hey Nice Nails vs real life.
I learned a lot from living on Pinterest, and honestly, it is a really good thing-but can be widely addictive! You can pretty much learn how to do anything, make anything, cook anything etc. If you are totally clueless-turn to Pinterest!
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